Every other day somebody says something without thinking about the power it could have on people. Especially love, it is a powerful thing that makes people do foolish things or something extraordinary. Are you ever moved by quotes? I mean somebody says something about love and you find yourself thinking, I wish everybody could hear this. Below are some of the quotes that make me feel that way.
1. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace- Jimi Hendrix
Think about it. The many problems in our day to day life are caused by the love of power. Many marriages are breaking up because the husband or the wife want to be the one in control. Politicians mislead the people because they are thinking of ways to hold on to power. If we did our actions out of love don't you think the world would be a better place?
1. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace- Jimi Hendrix
Think about it. The many problems in our day to day life are caused by the love of power. Many marriages are breaking up because the husband or the wife want to be the one in control. Politicians mislead the people because they are thinking of ways to hold on to power. If we did our actions out of love don't you think the world would be a better place?
2. It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving.- Mother Theresa
Putting love into everything we do will without a doubt guarantee success. We don't have to do things because we have to do them, we have to put a loving touch in everything we do. Then we will realize the power of love.
3. There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations- Unknown
Don't you simply agree, that love is the same world over. Characteristics of love are always the same, forgiving, kind, no fear, being patient and enduring. Other kinds revolve around what is true and they can never mask the real thing.
I enjoy reading love quotes for it is only through this that we can know other people, live with them and share the wonderful experiences of live. It makes us whole and heals us. We should always seek to show love in our words and actions.
3. There is only one kind of love, but there are a thousand imitations- Unknown
Don't you simply agree, that love is the same world over. Characteristics of love are always the same, forgiving, kind, no fear, being patient and enduring. Other kinds revolve around what is true and they can never mask the real thing.
I enjoy reading love quotes for it is only through this that we can know other people, live with them and share the wonderful experiences of live. It makes us whole and heals us. We should always seek to show love in our words and actions.