Sunday, May 22, 2011

nips pierced

nips pierced. piercing, full of hope and
  • piercing, full of hope and

  • Makosuke
    Jan 26, 09:32 PM
    Answer to original question: I don't know what possesses people to use WMV3 (which is actually Windows Media 9 video) in AVI files, but you're currently out of luck. WindowsMediaPlayer on the mac knows how to play WMV3, but it can't read AVI containers, so it's useless, and I know of no way to build the video and audio streams from an AVI file into an ASF file, at least on a Mac.

    There are also no open source players that can decode WMV3, although a couple days ago the first foundations for doing just that were laid in the ffmpeg project, so eventually there will be options.

    IMO, AVI is a stupid idea - having a container format that can use just about any codec is bound to cause confusion.
    Like bankshot implied, that's an embarassingly ignorant comment, being that although AVI probalby isn't as good of a container format as MOV (less features), they're identical in that they both allow a huge range of video and audio formats, which is your complaint.

    If you'd like me to demonstrate by making a MOV with a codec you can't play, it'll take me about a minute and a half.

    The only difference is that most people who make MOV files stick to standard QuickTime codecs, whereas AVI, being much more popular for home-ripped files on the internet (where people seem to have an inexplicable urge to use bizzare codecs when there are far better and more popular alternatives available), has a huge range of oddball stuff people decide to use with them. You could easily do the same with QuickTime if you felt like it, though, and I'll bet if it was more popular people would.

    nips pierced. With her nips -- and nipple
  • With her nips -- and nipple

  • ademuth93
    Apr 4, 08:39 PM
    Worked like a charm.


    nips pierced. male nips pierced on the beach
  • male nips pierced on the beach

  • Heilage
    Jan 31, 08:38 AM
    Awesome. This market will have rock hard competition. And we will all gain from it. :)

    nips pierced. male nips pierced on the beach
  • male nips pierced on the beach

  • njmac
    Sep 6, 05:46 PM
    oooh, that's scary :eek:

    Which hospital did this happen in?

    nips pierced. with pierced nipples.
  • with pierced nipples.

  • macOSX-tastic
    Sep 15, 09:25 AM
    hey guys,

    doing some random web browsing as its such a horrible rainy day on the isle of wight, and came accross this rather funny "cillit bang remix". its a kind of remixy type thing taking the mickey out of that popular house cleaning product....i may try the penny thing later:D
    im not sure if it has already been posted, if it has, forgive me. left me feeling rather bemused and confuddled!:D


    nips pierced. bells for Pierced Nipples
  • bells for Pierced Nipples

  • Terrador
    Mar 1, 11:07 PM
    +2 for Wordpress. I develop my sites with it even if they are just static (non-blogs).

    nips pierced. has Rihanna+nipple+pierce
  • has Rihanna+nipple+pierce

  • kustere
    Nov 15, 03:51 PM
    Yes you can control the form look and feel by using CSS, which works in most browsers. This hack is to change the look and feel for all those sites that don't use CSS to make the form fields look better, also CSS can not change the look and feel of radio and checkboxes, they pretty much can only change text boxes or controls that contains text box components (eg drop down lists).

    nips pierced. Re: Man nipples
  • Re: Man nipples

  • gazfocus
    Jan 14, 08:34 PM
    iTunes is too popular and if they renamed iTunes, they would have to rename the iTunes store, and then every device (iPod Touch and iPhone) that has the wifi iTunes store on it.

    I think this is highly unlikely. People know the name iTunes and most people swear by it.

    nips pierced. her nipple piercing,
  • her nipple piercing,

  • akshep
    Apr 19, 03:41 PM
    I am using a USB cable and it gas a full charge so I know its not the battery.

    Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

    nips pierced. pierced nip action,
  • pierced nip action,

  • iMacBoy
    Feb 7, 02:54 PM
    I was bored, so i made a wallpaper.

    It's very simple, nothing special...

    Will Re-upload link, sorry.

    I wasn't sure about the blue bit, but if it was white, then it would be plain.

    nips pierced. Double-pierced nips
  • Double-pierced nips

  • iGary
    Sep 9, 07:26 AM
    bida, bida,!

    I've got as far as the checkout at Apple's online store before remembering that I can't remember the last time I would've had a use for it. If I take the plunge it'll mean I've got to find time to do some exercise then I think would the money be better spent on a rowing machine? But I'm not going to use that unless I've got an iPod to listen to. :mad:

    So you can hear the voices too, at least that makes me feel better.

    Yes, LOUD voices...

    I don't freaking need the thing. I have got to have it.

    Maybe I should see how long I can go before I go mental.

    nips pierced. Nipple piercings, Yay or nay?
  • Nipple piercings, Yay or nay?

  • MzMpv
    May 1, 02:48 PM
    Did you reformat the drive with Apple Partition map?

    Nope I just used the disks that came with the laptop.
    Apple Partition map is that something you can download?

    nips pierced. avalynevans: My nips are
  • avalynevans: My nips are

  • Rabart
    May 3, 01:04 AM
    Hi everybody,

    I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.11 on an Intel Macbook and am having the following problem: the left click seems to be "locked", i.e. wherever I move the cursor it is as if I had done a left click and was holding the button down. The result is that selection windows appear all the time. This happens both when I use the trackpad and when I use an external mouse, so it seems to be a problem in the system. I have tried the following things without success:

    - restart the computer
    - reset the mouse/trackpad via system preferences
    - reset the trackpad by putting my palm on it

    I'd be happy if someone could help me on this issue.


    nips pierced. nipple piercings poking
  • nipple piercings poking

  • dubbz
    Sep 9, 02:53 PM
    *Ghostly whisper* *iGary! I'm trapped in the Apple Store. Please rescue me, it's so cold and lonely in this box! Free me!*

    nips pierced. I got my nipple pierced,
  • I got my nipple pierced,

  • gloss
    Mar 17, 01:36 PM
    I've heard Final Fantasy VII put up on a pedestal close to Ocarina of Time by some of my FF-crazy friends.

    Pssh. Panzer Dragoon Saga, man.

    nips pierced. Lip piercing
  • Lip piercing

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    May 4, 04:51 AM
    Isn't it illegal for you guys to avoid paying sales tax?

    nips pierced. red lips amp;amp; pierced nips
  • red lips amp;amp; pierced nips

  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 16, 06:42 PM
    This is definitely the oddest thread title I've read here. Subsequently, this is probably the weirdest topic as well.

    I have no answers. Sorry.

    nips pierced. and only nipple cover made
  • and only nipple cover made

  • Sykte
    Apr 27, 07:10 PM
    Which version of xcode are you running?

    nips pierced. hairy silverdaddy pierced nips
  • hairy silverdaddy pierced nips

  • anonymau5
    May 4, 08:56 PM
    So I don't know if the problem is with my Mac, my camera or just me but anyways...
    I have a camera and when I try to turn it on it says "write protect" because the files/pictures on it are read-only. To fix this it says to "download the image to a computer and cancel the read-only setting." So after doing this, the pictures on my computer are read and write (and I can change them) but the files in the camera device folder are still read only and I can't edit them at all. Anyone know what the problem is? I hope this makes sense...

    Jul 9, 01:34 AM
    OOPS, Boise,ID meeting thread already started (Found it after posting, my bad:().

    Please delete this thread



    Sep 8, 03:28 AM
    Unless we have another avatar contest and you win the contest, you won't be eligible for an avatar until you have 500 or more posts. At your post rate, that will take you almost exactly one year. But you can put a photo in your User Profile any time you like.

    Edit: I see that you do have one. Is that you in the photo?
    Yes, it's me.

    Mar 19, 02:17 PM
    Sorry, Apple. Not this time.


    Apr 12, 11:56 PM
    I understand that Lion has changed the way Migration works. Does anyone happen to know if Lion will support the selective migration of apps from an existing system to a new one? For example, I'd like make a fresh start and migrate only Mail data and iPhoto data and select other programs+data.Just start fresh and copy the appropriate Application Support folders over from the old system?

    Jul 16, 01:31 PM
    -Bob Dobbs

    Check your USB devices, then what drivers you may have installed. Sounds like something is crashing the finder.

    Unplug all USB devices (except the Apple keyboard and mouse of course), and see if your system still does it. Then, if it works fine, plug in a device at a time, until you can identify the guilty party.