| Diff b/w School n College
During school if u were late,U had 2 sit at d last bench :(
But,In College,if U r late u hav 2 sit on 1st bench :D | |
| 2day is death anniversary of superman
so in his honour,& memory plz wear a red underwear on ur clothes & fly around ur room in silence 4a minute |
| Crazy peoples:
An Unmaried Man Wrote his Status on facebook as:
" Wanted wife "
2 Girls liked it & 140 Men Commentd
"Take Mine":P | |
| Fact:
Sardarji_Jokes & JokesBlog
are only groups in Google Channels Providing You Exclusive JOKES
That too in English Only (No regional Lang) | |
| A man goes 2 a chinese restaurant
& puts his finger
on d last of menu:Bring dis
Waiter:Oh! u can't get it
coz he is d owner of restaurnt!! | |
Height of Coolness: Lecturer To Student: Why r U Talkng In The Class? . . . .
Student: Sir, Monthly SMS BALANCE is Over..!! | |
| A Lady Went Into Bank To Withdraw Money
Clerk- Can U Identify Urself
Lady Took Out Mirror From Her Bag, n Looked n Say
Yaa. It's Me, All Ryt | |
| What Is The Difference Between A Lawyer & A Liar.. ?? .
. The Pronunciation & The Spelling..!!! ;-) :-P :D