The True Generous and Master

A man, named Abu-Dukein, spoke, "It is surely Ja'far except that he is like this." He then closed his hand. As he listened to this story, the Imam(A.S.) commented: "Woe to Abu-Dukein! His like is the feather; the wind flights it whenever it blows." After a pause, he(A.S.) added:
The Holy Prophet(S.A.W.) said: "Any favor is charity. The best alms is that which does not influence one's expenditure of his family members. Begin, when you give alms, with those whose provisions are obligatory upon you. The hand or the giver is better than the hand of the receiver. Allah does not censure for the minimum sustenance." Do you think that Allah is ungenerous or there is something more generous than Him?
The true generous and master is that who carries out Allah's rights correctly. He who gains money illegally and spends it unrightfully is not generous. Most surely, I desire for meeting Allah without taking anything that is illicit for me. I have fulfilled the rights in my fortune.
Position of a Mother
There was a young man, before he was a Muslim; he lived with his mother until he was about 18 years old. Then he moved out of his home and lived in a different place on his own. During those days, he met some Muslims and became very close friend to them.
Eventually he himself became a Muslim after learning about the beautiful religion of Islam from them. He made an effort every day to learn more and more about Islam. One day, he came to learn about the benefits of being good to one’s parents. After knowing this, he decided to visit his mother whom he did not visit for many years. He bought some flowers and fruits for her on his way. His mother was very pleased to see him after so long. He started spending lots of time with his mother on a regular basis. During his visits, he would stare at his mother and tears would roll down from his eyes. The mother noticed this happening many times and asked him one day the reason, why he visits her so much all of a sudden and why he cries. He told her about how he became a Muslim and that the position of a mother in Islam is very high.
He also told her about the reward he gets for looking at her.
But while looking at her, he cries because the mother is not a Muslim and would not be able to save herself if she dies in this state. The mother immediately recognized the beauty of Islam and became a Muslim.
Eventually he himself became a Muslim after learning about the beautiful religion of Islam from them. He made an effort every day to learn more and more about Islam. One day, he came to learn about the benefits of being good to one’s parents. After knowing this, he decided to visit his mother whom he did not visit for many years. He bought some flowers and fruits for her on his way. His mother was very pleased to see him after so long. He started spending lots of time with his mother on a regular basis. During his visits, he would stare at his mother and tears would roll down from his eyes. The mother noticed this happening many times and asked him one day the reason, why he visits her so much all of a sudden and why he cries. He told her about how he became a Muslim and that the position of a mother in Islam is very high.
He also told her about the reward he gets for looking at her.
But while looking at her, he cries because the mother is not a Muslim and would not be able to save herself if she dies in this state. The mother immediately recognized the beauty of Islam and became a Muslim.
Imam Hadi's (A.S.) Wisdom
During the Caliphate of Mutawakkil, a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima.
He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young."
She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young."
Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What you say about the claim of this women “All of them said,”she tells a lie."
Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her."
They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem."
Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter.
Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatima (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh.
Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?"
She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself."
Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself."
Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook.
Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work."
He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young."
She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young."
Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What you say about the claim of this women “All of them said,”she tells a lie."
Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her."
They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem."
Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter.
Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatima (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh.
Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?"
She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself."
Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself."
Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook.
Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work."
Commit Sin as Much you Like!!!
A man came to Imam Husain (grandson of Prophet Mohammad s.a.) and said:
I am a sinful man and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me.
Imam (as) said:
If you can do these FIVE things, then commit sin as much you like.
First: Don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like.
Second: Go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like.
Third: Seek a site where God cannot observe you and commit sin as much you like.
Fourth: If the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like.
Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much you like. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
I am a sinful man and can't avoid doing sin, please advise me.
Imam (as) said:
If you can do these FIVE things, then commit sin as much you like.
First: Don’t eat the sustenance of God and commit sin as much you like.
Second: Go beyond the domain of God and commit sin as much you like.
Third: Seek a site where God cannot observe you and commit sin as much you like.
Fourth: If the Angel of death comes to you to take away your soul, expel him away from yourself and commit sin as much you like.
Fifth: If the Angel of Hell was about to throw you into the hell-fire, stop him and commit sin as much you like. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 126)
Taking a Spiritual Vow
Once the Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn, who were at that time 5 and 4 years old, fell ill. When the Prophet of Islam, missed them in the masjid, he came to Fatima Zahra's house to inquire about them. When he was told that they were sick, he suggested that both parents should take a spiritual vow (Nazr) for the children's recovery. So both Imam Ali and Fatima Zahra prayed to Allah for the recovery of Hasan and Husayn (peace be unto them all) and took a vow to fast for three consecutive days when the children became well again. The children did recover from the illness soon after. Both parents set about fulfilling their spiritual vow and fasted. When the children saw that, they also decided to fast with their parents and so did the house-maid, Fiddha. But that day there was no food in Fatima's house even for breaking the fast.
So Imam Ali went out looking for work. He could not find any. But he was able to get three kg's of wool to be spun in exchange of three kg's of barley. Fatima Zahra spun the wool all day. She was only able to dispense with one kilo of it. So she took only one kilo of barley ground it into flour and prepared five loaves of bread. While they were all ready to break their fast, someone knocked at the door saying: "O people of the house of the Prophet, I am a poor man and I have nothing to eat, is there anything you could do to feed me." At this Imam Ali stood up, went to the door and gave his loaf to the man. Fatima Zahra did the same. Watching this, both children also gave their loaves and so did the maid. They broke their fast by water and retired.
The next day Fatima Zahra spun another kilo of wool. So she separated one kilo of barley, ground it into flour and prepared five loaves once again. As they were ready to break their fast, once again, a voice called out from the door: "O people of the house of The Prophet, I am an orphan, I am hungry, could you feed me?" Hearing this, Imam Ali stood up and gave his loaf to the man, so did Fatima Zahra, the children and the maid. They all, once again, broke their fast by water and retired. Came the third day, Fatima Zahra spun the rest of the wool, took the remaining barley, ground it into flour and prepared five loaves. As they were ready to break the fast, a voice called from the door saying: "O people of the house of the Prophet, I am a prisoner, I am hungry, could you feed me?" Hearing this, once again, Imam Ali stood up and went to the door and gave his loaf away to the prisoner. Fatima Zahra, the children and the maid did likewise.
Every time the person at the door would want to express his gratitude for the kindness, Imam Ali would say: "No, no, we are not looking for any reward from you for this act, we are doing it out of Allah's love."
Now the children had just been quite ill. And they had not eaten anything in three days. The Prophet of Islam, once again entered the house asking about the children. When he looked at them they were shaking like autumn leaves (those are the exact words in the report). Fatima Zahra told him what had been going on in the family. At that time the archangel Gabriel came down with a gift of Allah to the Prophet. That gift was the verses of Sura Insan or Dahr (chapter 76), which we quote below.
They fulfill vows and fear a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide. And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive. We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks: Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day. Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness. And reward them, because they were patient, with garden and silk. (Glorious Qur'an, 76:7-12)
This story tells us that the Prophet of Islam, recommended to any family that if and when you are facing a difficult situation or you are distressed, you should do Nazr. In other words, take a spiritual vow that when the problem is over you would offer special prayers or invite friends and relatives for food that has been dedicated to the Ahlul Bayt in Allah's name.
The story is the guiding light for us in our lives. The family of Fatima Zahra (peace be unto her) fulfilled their Nazr, but when a more needy person came they gave away their food to him without any regard to their own needs. Glorious Qur'an has made it incumbent upon us to love the Prophet of Islam and his holy family and fashion our lives according to how they lived.
So Imam Ali went out looking for work. He could not find any. But he was able to get three kg's of wool to be spun in exchange of three kg's of barley. Fatima Zahra spun the wool all day. She was only able to dispense with one kilo of it. So she took only one kilo of barley ground it into flour and prepared five loaves of bread. While they were all ready to break their fast, someone knocked at the door saying: "O people of the house of the Prophet, I am a poor man and I have nothing to eat, is there anything you could do to feed me." At this Imam Ali stood up, went to the door and gave his loaf to the man. Fatima Zahra did the same. Watching this, both children also gave their loaves and so did the maid. They broke their fast by water and retired.
The next day Fatima Zahra spun another kilo of wool. So she separated one kilo of barley, ground it into flour and prepared five loaves once again. As they were ready to break their fast, once again, a voice called out from the door: "O people of the house of The Prophet, I am an orphan, I am hungry, could you feed me?" Hearing this, Imam Ali stood up and gave his loaf to the man, so did Fatima Zahra, the children and the maid. They all, once again, broke their fast by water and retired. Came the third day, Fatima Zahra spun the rest of the wool, took the remaining barley, ground it into flour and prepared five loaves. As they were ready to break the fast, a voice called from the door saying: "O people of the house of the Prophet, I am a prisoner, I am hungry, could you feed me?" Hearing this, once again, Imam Ali stood up and went to the door and gave his loaf away to the prisoner. Fatima Zahra, the children and the maid did likewise.
Every time the person at the door would want to express his gratitude for the kindness, Imam Ali would say: "No, no, we are not looking for any reward from you for this act, we are doing it out of Allah's love."
Now the children had just been quite ill. And they had not eaten anything in three days. The Prophet of Islam, once again entered the house asking about the children. When he looked at them they were shaking like autumn leaves (those are the exact words in the report). Fatima Zahra told him what had been going on in the family. At that time the archangel Gabriel came down with a gift of Allah to the Prophet. That gift was the verses of Sura Insan or Dahr (chapter 76), which we quote below.
They fulfill vows and fear a day the evil of which shall be spreading far and wide. And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive. We only feed you for Allah's sake; we desire from you neither reward nor thanks: Surely we fear from our Lord a stern, distressful day. Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness. And reward them, because they were patient, with garden and silk. (Glorious Qur'an, 76:7-12)
This story tells us that the Prophet of Islam, recommended to any family that if and when you are facing a difficult situation or you are distressed, you should do Nazr. In other words, take a spiritual vow that when the problem is over you would offer special prayers or invite friends and relatives for food that has been dedicated to the Ahlul Bayt in Allah's name.
The story is the guiding light for us in our lives. The family of Fatima Zahra (peace be unto her) fulfilled their Nazr, but when a more needy person came they gave away their food to him without any regard to their own needs. Glorious Qur'an has made it incumbent upon us to love the Prophet of Islam and his holy family and fashion our lives according to how they lived.
Pious Family of Allamah Majlisi
Mulla Mohammed Baqir Majlisi’s grand-father, Mulla Maqsood Ali, had once to travel out of Isfahan. Before he set out on his journey he took Baqir Majlisi’s father and uncle to the Grand-Cleric Mulla Abd Allah Shustari that in his absence the children took instructions from him. During the stay with Ustad Shustari the time for the Idd arrived. The mentor gave 3 Toomans to Majlisi’s father to meet the expenses for the Idd. He returned the money, thanking him, and said, “I cannot accept any money and spend it without the permission of my mother!”
When he reached home and sought his mother’s permission, she said, “Your father’s total income is 14 Ghazbegi (the currency in use those days).and we make the ends meet with what he earns! If we change this habit, we may have to spread our hand in front of your mentor and others for our needs! This I wouldn’t like to do!”
When Mulla Mohammed Taqi told the reason for returning the money to his mentor, he appreciated the spirit of contentment of his mother and offered a prayer for her.
When he reached home and sought his mother’s permission, she said, “Your father’s total income is 14 Ghazbegi (the currency in use those days).and we make the ends meet with what he earns! If we change this habit, we may have to spread our hand in front of your mentor and others for our needs! This I wouldn’t like to do!”
When Mulla Mohammed Taqi told the reason for returning the money to his mentor, he appreciated the spirit of contentment of his mother and offered a prayer for her.
Talha and Zubeir, the Two Enigmatic Personalities
Talha and Zubeir were the first to take the oath of allegiance and they were the first to break the oath of allegiance to Imam Ali. Both of them like many others had grown immensely rich during the reign of the three caliphs before Imam Ali. They had kept growing wealthier and wealthier.
Both had married the daughters of caliph Abu Bakr which made them the brother in law of Ayesha. Ever since caliph Umar had appointed both as members of the Shura committee their ambition to become Khalifa had inflated beyond all other desires. Their influence, wealth and power had grown and they craved for the Khilafat.
When the ummah got fed up with caliph Usman and as frustrated groups of opposition began to emerge, it was Talha and Zubeir who rallied them and took charge as leaders of the mobs. Later they laid siege to the palace of caliph Usman and agitated matters to an extent which resulted in his murder. Everyone in Madina had witnessed their conduct towards caliph Usman and therefore contrary to the expectation of both, the people did not choose either of them as caliph. The public’s choice for caliph became Imam Ali. In order not to make themselves too conspicuous they gave their pledge of allegiance to Imam Ali.
Finding caliphate beyond their reach, they eyed Basra and Kufa as consolation prizes. Displaying obedience to the new caliph they waited in hope that their prestige and influence with the people of Basra and Kufa would not be overlooked. But Imam Ali was not impressed by their status and prestige. Imam Ali was reviving the true Islamic government and looked forward to appointing honest, sincere and God fearing governors in all provinces.
Neither Talha nor Zubeir possessed any of these lofty qualities. Both were unreliable. They had rebelled against caliph Usman previously and could just as easily rebel against Ali. And that is what they did! Realizing that they would not get Basra or Kufa, they decided to go to Makkah and left Madina with treason in their hearts. They broke the pledge of allegiance and soon declared war against the legal government in the name of vengeance for the very man they had gotten killed – caliph Usman!!
Both had married the daughters of caliph Abu Bakr which made them the brother in law of Ayesha. Ever since caliph Umar had appointed both as members of the Shura committee their ambition to become Khalifa had inflated beyond all other desires. Their influence, wealth and power had grown and they craved for the Khilafat.
When the ummah got fed up with caliph Usman and as frustrated groups of opposition began to emerge, it was Talha and Zubeir who rallied them and took charge as leaders of the mobs. Later they laid siege to the palace of caliph Usman and agitated matters to an extent which resulted in his murder. Everyone in Madina had witnessed their conduct towards caliph Usman and therefore contrary to the expectation of both, the people did not choose either of them as caliph. The public’s choice for caliph became Imam Ali. In order not to make themselves too conspicuous they gave their pledge of allegiance to Imam Ali.
Finding caliphate beyond their reach, they eyed Basra and Kufa as consolation prizes. Displaying obedience to the new caliph they waited in hope that their prestige and influence with the people of Basra and Kufa would not be overlooked. But Imam Ali was not impressed by their status and prestige. Imam Ali was reviving the true Islamic government and looked forward to appointing honest, sincere and God fearing governors in all provinces.
Neither Talha nor Zubeir possessed any of these lofty qualities. Both were unreliable. They had rebelled against caliph Usman previously and could just as easily rebel against Ali. And that is what they did! Realizing that they would not get Basra or Kufa, they decided to go to Makkah and left Madina with treason in their hearts. They broke the pledge of allegiance and soon declared war against the legal government in the name of vengeance for the very man they had gotten killed – caliph Usman!!
Abuzar, the Great Companion of the Prophet (s.a.)
Abdul Hamid Jaudatus Sahar of Egypt writes, "Islam spread in Medina like wild fire”. The tribe of Ghifaar became overjoyed at it. Muslims congratulated one another that the two tribes of Aus and Khazraj, who were most eloquent, best swordsmen, and best sympathizers, turned Muslims, and also because Allah had willed to raise up His religion, and was determined to help the Holy Prophet and fulfil His promise.
Unais came to his brother Abuzar with the happy news and said, "Islam has spread in Medina and Aus and Khazraj have embraced Islam”.
Abuzar said, "The Messenger of Allah will go to them and migrate to their city very shortly".
Unais looked surprisingly at his brother and said, "Have you received any such information?"
Abuzar: "No, neither I have any information about it, nor did I know of the people of Yathrib becoming believers".
Unais: "How, then, did you know that the Messenger of Allah will migrate to Yathrib?"
Abuzar: "He had told me the very day I saw him, that he will go to a town of date palms and I think that place is Yathrib. The Messenger had spoken the truth”.
Unais: "Is it possible that his tribe lets him go out of that place along with Muslims, so that after making thorough preparation he may attack them?"
Abuzar: "They may let him or not, but he will shortly migrate to that place. Of course, only Allah knows how and when it will happen”.
Abuzar converted his tribe to Islam after he had become a believer. Then he turned his attention to Medina. Since his return from Mecca, till the migration of the Holy Prophet, Abuzar remained busy with the preaching of Islam and continued making efforts to take the Divine religion to the masses.
Unais came to his brother Abuzar with the happy news and said, "Islam has spread in Medina and Aus and Khazraj have embraced Islam”.
Abuzar said, "The Messenger of Allah will go to them and migrate to their city very shortly".
Unais looked surprisingly at his brother and said, "Have you received any such information?"
Abuzar: "No, neither I have any information about it, nor did I know of the people of Yathrib becoming believers".
Unais: "How, then, did you know that the Messenger of Allah will migrate to Yathrib?"
Abuzar: "He had told me the very day I saw him, that he will go to a town of date palms and I think that place is Yathrib. The Messenger had spoken the truth”.
Unais: "Is it possible that his tribe lets him go out of that place along with Muslims, so that after making thorough preparation he may attack them?"
Abuzar: "They may let him or not, but he will shortly migrate to that place. Of course, only Allah knows how and when it will happen”.
Abuzar converted his tribe to Islam after he had become a believer. Then he turned his attention to Medina. Since his return from Mecca, till the migration of the Holy Prophet, Abuzar remained busy with the preaching of Islam and continued making efforts to take the Divine religion to the masses.
The Trusted and Loyal Companion
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Shrine of Salmaan in Madain, Iraq |
Salmaan, the most trusted and loyal companion of the holy Prophet of Islam (s.a.) suggested digging a ditch or khandaq around Madinah to keep the invading army at bay. When Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Makkans, saw the ditch, he said, ‘This stratagem has not been employed by the Arabs before.’
Salman participated in all of the other campaigns of the messenger thereafter. Salman became known as “Salman the Good.” He was a scholar who lived a rough and ascetic life. He had one cloak, which he wore and slept on. He would not seek the shelter of a roof but stayed under a tree or against a wall. Later, as a governor of Al-Madain (Ctesiphon) near Baghdad, Salman received a stipend of five thousand dhirhams. This he would distribute as sadaqah (charity donation).
He lived from the work of his own hands. When some people came to Madina and saw him working the palm groves, they said “You are the leader here and your sustenance is guaranteed and yet you do this work?” “I like to eat from the work of my own hands,” he replied. As a scholar, Salman was noted for his vast knowledge and wisdom. Imam Ali (PBUH) said of him that he was like Luqman the Wise.
Fatema: The Only Daughter of Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w)
Why Fatema (s.a.) is called Az-Zahra? Ibn Abbas narrates that the Prophet of Allah (p) said: “Surely my daughter Fatima is the Mistress of all women from the beginning to the end. She is a part of me, and the light of my eyes. She is the flower of my heart, and is my soul. Fatima is a human huri, who whenever she stands in prayers in the presence of her Lord (Exalted is His name), her light illuminates the skies for the angels, like stars shine to people on Earth.”